Tips for Enhancing Fuel Efficiency in Trucks
As fuel expenses make up nearly one-third of total fleet operating expenses, trucking companies simply can’t afford to waste any fuel. Luckily, improving fuel efficiency with smart driving practices and straightforward truck maintenance is simple and can bring major cost savings.
One minute of idle burns as much fuel as starting up the engine; and reducing aerodynamic drag can cut fuel usage by as much as 44%.
1. Drive at a Consistent Speed
Truck fuel costs can be one of the major expenses for truckers. By employing safe driving practices and understanding how to improve fuel efficiency in your truck, you can save money at the pump.
Every truck has an optimal range for revolutions per minute (RPM) that’s known as its “sweet spot”. As low RPM means less fuel usage, it’s wise to stay within this sweet spot as long as possible.
Maintaining a steady speed for optimal fuel efficiency is also crucial, as small variations in acceleration can force your engine to work harder and use up more fuel. Driving uphill requires slowing down at certain points before picking up speed again when going downhill.
That is why most large trucks are equipped with road-speed governors to limit the driver to an acceptable speed limit. Even so, some drivers still choose to exceed what is safe or required by law – this poses both safety risks and lowers fuel efficiency.
2. Reduce Idling Time
Fuel costs account for a significant part of fleet operating expenses, so optimizing efficiency whenever possible is vitally important. An easy way to do so is reducing idle time: an hour spent sitting idle will burn an entire gallon of fuel – even small amounts wasted can add up over time!
Some idling is unavoidable for truckers as they need to heat or cool their cabs and sleeper berths, use electronic devices like laptops and cell phone chargers, and prevent diesel from gelling. But by employing telematics technology and engine parameters to reduce idle time fleets can realize significant savings.
Reduce Idling To Reduce Maintenance Costs* While cutting fuel consumption, idling also has the ability to save on maintenance costs by speeding engine wear and tear and increasing oil changes and repairs more frequently. By decreasing idle time fleets can save money while prolonging vehicle lifespan*
3. Maintain a Balanced Load
Fuel costs for trucking companies are an enormous expense and optimizing efficiency is the key to both lowering operational expenses and contributing to a greener environment. Regular maintenance checks, improved driving habits and aerodynamic adjustments are all effective strategies for increasing fuel economy.
Aggressive driving behaviors such as rapid acceleration and hard braking can severely decrease fuel efficiency. Drivers should use cruise control to maintain a constant speed for their truck while practicing smooth driving techniques to avoid excessive acceleration. They can further decrease consumption by avoiding unnecessary stops and installing low-rolling tires on their vehicle.
Finally, it is essential that trucking companies conduct load analysis regularly in order to make sure their fleet’s weight does not increase fuel consumption. Furthermore, eliminating unnecessary accessories like air horns and bull bars may help enhance efficiency by decreasing aerodynamic drag – all strategies designed to enhance fleet fuel efficiency while cutting operational costs significantly.
4. Avoid Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving practices burn more fuel than you realize, according to one estimate; one study estimates it can reduce gas mileage by as much as 6%!
Being upset or annoyed can also contribute to poor driving behaviors that reduce fuel efficiency of your truck. Try to relax by listening to relaxing music or audiobooks on tape; eliminate distractions such as cellphone use.
Truck drivers face pressure to deliver their loads promptly, yet this should never become an excuse for aggressive driving. If you find yourself running behind schedule, consider rescheduling your load or taking extra time and care while traveling safely.
Always bear in mind that an aggressive driver might simply be emotionally distraught and has nothing to do with you. Therefore, it’s wise to avoid eye contact or gestures which could escalate the situation further and put yourself in harm’s way. Instead, report this driver by giving their license plate number, vehicle description and your location information directly to law enforcement.